Crazy excrements
Activity: Crazy experiments
Date:13th ,February,2020
Objective: Purpose of this Purpose of this activity was to enable students to find a problem , create hypothesis and conduct experiments to find the test hupothesis.
In this activity grade 5 students performed different experiments, they prepared models to show their work.On the day of activity students shared their work with the coordinator and their peers.Other than experiments students also created working models like of drier machine where the student explained how drier of washing machine spin and dry the clothes.one of the student talked about the relationship between gravity and mass of an object.
صندوق تفوقي
تقديم صندوق تفوقي كل اسبوع
الى الطالبات المميزات هذا الاسبوع
نشاط مدرسي شامل
اتعلم رسمي مع أصدقائي
برنامج رسم براعم الاندلس في فناء المدرسة
ليتم التشجيع من قبل طلاب الصف الاول و تعزيز موهبة الرسم
Science Fair 2020
A Science fair project is best described as a basic demonstration of how the world of science works through research, observation and experimentation..The main objective from the science fair is to analyze a scientific occurrence with an investigation
Grade 7/8/9 science fair was held
19th of February
جدتي نور مدرستي
تقدم مدارس الاندلس فرع الجوف بنات
حفل جدات طالباتنا الغاليات
كما اننا نكسي مدارسنا الزي القديم